The purchase of the "Give a Dinner" service implies, at the expense of the Customer, acceptance of the following general conditions.
1) Upon payment of the amount related to the chosen "Give a Gift of Dinner" offer, a voucher ("Voucher") will be issued to the names indicated by the customer at the time of purchase.
2) Once this indication has been made and the Voucher has been issued to the names indicated by the Client, the same Voucher will no longer be transferable. If the persons indicated by the Client are prevented from doing so, it will be necessary to make contact with the restaurant Christian and Manuel, at the e-mail address, or by telephone, at 0161 253585, in order to arrange any changes.
3) The Voucher must imperatively be used within and not later than six months from its issuance. In the event of failure to use it within said term, the Voucher shall be considered forfeited and, consequently, Hotel Cinzia Ristorante di Brusasca Cinzia e C. SAS will be released from its obligations and may retain the amount collected. It is understood that, in the event of impediments to the use of the Voucher related to objectively impeding circumstances, the Customer or the persons holding the Voucher may contact Hotel Cinzia Ristorante di Brusasca Cinzia e C. SAS at one of the above addresses.
4) Once the Voucher has been issued, the person holding the Voucher will be able to make contact with the restaurant Christian and Manuel to establish the day of its use, by contacting one of the above-mentioned addresses, taking care to be able to indicate the identification code and the details of the Voucher. It is understood as of now that the reservation must be made at least seven days in advance and that its acceptance will take place only after verification of availability for the indicated evening, which cannot, in any case, coincide with one of the closing shifts or with the days of Christmas, New Year, Easter and, in general, those of national holidays, nor with those in which the restaurant is dedicated to tasting evenings.
5) The Voucher must be shown, in paper or digital form on a smartphone or tablet, upon arrival at the venue and, therefore, in case of its non-presentation, Hotel Cinzia Ristorante di Brusasca Cinzia e C. SAS reserves the right not to provide the requested service.
6) Menus vary throughout the year following the seasonality of products.
7) In accepting the above conditions, the Client agrees to ensure that the Voucher recipients are also made aware of their contents and otherwise abide by them.
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